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Isorich Tablet

Product Code: MRM_100898
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Origin of Medicine
Price for
30 Tablet(s) In A Bottle
Salt Composition
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Isorich Tablets contain active components called vitamins, minerals, and calcium. This medication is often used to address the discomforts of menopause, including hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and vaginal dryness. It also aims to improve tone and elasticity, reduce wrinkles, and protect against sun damage. It also helps prevent hair loss, promoting hair growth and strengthening follicles. It slows aging, improves cognitive function, and boosts energy levels.

You should not take this medication if you are hypersensitive to the Isorich Tablet or its components. If you have a hormone-sensitive condition like breast cancer, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids, consult your doctor before taking it due to the presence of soy isoflavones. It should be avoided in cases of blood clotting disorder. It is not recommended for children due to the lack of safety data and potentially inappropriate hormone-influencing effects.

Uses of Isorich Tablet
  • Menopausal symptom relief
  • Skin health improvement
  • Hair loss support
  • Anti-aging benefits
  • Therapeutic Effects of Isorich Tablet

    Isorich tablets use various combinations of ingredients depending on their type: the women's health version uses soy isoflavones and herbs to mimic estrogen and address menopausal symptoms, while the bone health version utilizes calcium, vitamin D, and other nutrients to strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis. However, individual responses to these mechanisms can vary, and consulting your doctor before taking either type is essential.

    Interaction of Isorich Tablet with other drugsInform the doctor about your medicines, including prescription, over-the-counter, nutritional or vitamin supplements, and herbal products. Certain medications may interact with the Isorich Tablets, reducing effectiveness by causing undesirable side effects. 

    More Information about Isorich Tablet
  • Stored at controlled room temperature between 15°C to 30°C
  • Keep away from moisture, heat, and light.
  • It should not be frozen.
  • Keep away from children and pets.
  • How to consume Isorich TabletIsorich Tablets are administered orally, meaning you take them by mouth. The recommended dosage may be adjusted by a healthcare professional as needed.

    Safety Advices for Isorich Tablet




    It is not safe to take Isorich Tablets if you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant due to the lack of safety data and potential hormonal effects.


    Breast Feeding


    Due to a lack of safety data and the potential hormonal effects of Isorich Tablets, it is not safe to take if you are a breastfeeding mother.




    Consult your health care provider before taking an Isorich tablet if you have lung disease.




    If you have a liver condition or are concerned about the safety of the Isorich Tablets. In that case, it is recommended that you consult your healthcare provider for personalized advice.




    There are no known interactions between alcohol and Isorich Tablets. Consult your healthcare provider if you feel nausea or drowsiness after using it.




    Isorich Tablets are not expected to affect driving ability. If you feel nauseous or dizzy, consult your healthcare provider.

    Side Effects of Isorich TabletSerious:

    • Allergic reactions
    • Liver damage


    • Upset stomach and nausea
    • Headache
    • Breast tenderness
    • Vaginal discharge

    Word of AdviceAlways seek professional medical advice before taking Isorich Tablets, especially if you have any existing medical conditions, take other medications, or are pregnant or breastfeeding. Be aware of allergies. Avoid this medication if you are allergic to any of their ingredients. Follow the recommended dosage and duration your doctor prescribes or as indicated on this medication.

    FAQs Q 1. How long should I take Isorich Tablets?

    Follow your doctor's advice. Generally, Isorich Tablets are intended for long-term use, but durations might vary depending on individual needs.

    Q 2. Can I buy Isorich tablets over the counter?

    Depending on your region, Isorich tablets might be available over the counter or require a doctor's prescription.

    Q 3. Is there a standard dosage for Isorich tablets, or does it vary?

    Dosage recommendations on the label of Isorich tablets provide a general starting point. Your doctor may adjust the dosage based on your health needs and potential interactions with other medications.

    Q 4. Should I take Isorich tablets with food or on an empty stomach?

    Instructions on the label of Isorich tablets or your doctor's guidance will offer specific advice regarding taking Isorich tablets with or without food to minimize potential side effects.

    Q 5. Is it safe to take Isorich tablets for the long term?

    Long-term use of Isorich tablets necessitates regular monitoring for potential side effects while generally safe for most healthy adults when taken as directed. Your doctor can advise on appropriate monitoring intervals.

    Fact Box of Isorich Tablet

    Molecule name:  Vitamins, minerals, and calcium

    Therapeutic class: Combination Supplements

    Pharmacological class

    • Calcium Supplement
    • Vitamin D Supplement
    • Nutrient Supplement


    1. Menopausal symptom relief 

    2. Skin health improvement 

    3. Hair loss support 

    4. Anti-aging benefits 

    Основные характеристики
    Origin of Medicine
    Price for
    30 Tablet(s) In A Bottle
    Salt Composition
    0/ 5
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