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Serocit 46.7% Injection

Product Code: MRM_101434
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Origin of Medicine
Price for
1 Vial(s) Of 5ml
Salt Composition
Sodium Citrate
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Serocit 46.7% Injection contains an active component as Sodium Citrate. This medication is commonly used for various purposes, primarily in managing acidosis and as an anticoagulant for certain medical procedures. Acidosis occurs when the body's pH becomes too acidic due to an imbalance in the body's production or elimination of acids. Various factors, such as uncontrolled diabetes, kidney dysfunction, or severe dehydration, can cause this condition. This medication helps to neutralize excess acid in the blood, thus restoring the pH balance. Serocit 46.7% Injection is used as an anticoagulant in some medical procedures, particularly when blood needs to be drawn or stored outside the body. It prevents blood clotting, essential for certain diagnostic tests and blood transfusions. One of the common applications is in preparing blood products like packed red blood cells or platelets for transfusion.

You should avoid using this medication if you have a known hypersensitivity or allergy to Serocit 46.7% Injection or any of its components. It can affect the levels of electrolytes in the body, such as sodium and potassium. Therefore, caution should be exercised in individuals with conditions that may lead to electrolyte imbalances, such as kidney problems or heart failure. Individuals with impaired kidney function should use it cautiously, as it may affect the body's ability to handle electrolyte balance. People with certain gastrointestinal disorders, such as gastric outlet obstruction or severe inflammatory bowel disease, should avoid using Serocit 46.7% Injection. Special care and appropriate dosage adjustments may be required in children or elderly individuals.

Uses of Serocit 46.7% InjectionSerocit 46.7% Injection is used to treat the following:

  • Metabolic acidosis
  • Anticoagulant for medical procedures

Therapeutic Effects of Serocit 46.7% Injection

By administering Serocit 46.7% Injection by injection, healthcare professionals can help neutralize the excess acid, restoring the body's pH balance and alleviating symptoms associated with acidosis, such as rapid breathing, confusion, and fatigue.

By inhibiting the coagulation process, this medication ensures that the blood remains in a liquid state, facilitating the success of these procedures and reducing the risk of complications related to clot formation.

Interaction of Serocit 46.7% Injection with other drugsInform the doctor about your medicines, including prescription, over-the-counter, nutritional or vitamin supplements, and herbal products. Certain medications may interact with Serocit 46.7% Injection, reducing effectiveness by causing undesirable side effects. 

More Information about Serocit 46.7% Injection
  • Store at room temperature, between 15°C to 30°C (59°F to 86°F).
  • Keep away from moisture, heat, and light.
  • It should not be frozen.
  • Keep away from children and pets.
  • How to consume Serocit 46.7% InjectionTo use Serocit 46.7% Injection, follow the instructions provided by your healthcare professional or as indicated on the product label. This medication is typically administered intravenously under medical supervision to treat metabolic acidosis. The dosage will be determined based on your specific condition and needs. It is added to blood products for anticoagulant purposes during medical procedures to prevent clotting. 

    Safety Advices for Serocit 46.7% Injection




    The safety of using Serocit 46.7% Injection during pregnancy has not been extensively studied. As such, it is generally recommended to avoid its use unless specifically prescribed by a healthcare professional and deemed necessary for the mother's health.


    Breast Feeding


    As with any medication, it is essential to use Serocit 46.7% Injection as a healthcare professional prescribes and follow their guidance.




    If you have concerns about using Serocit 46.7% Injection in your specific lung condition or medical situation, discussing this with your healthcare provider is crucial. 




    Serocit 46.7% Injection should be used with caution in individuals with liver conditions. A healthcare professional must closely monitor to ensure appropriate dosage and minimize potential risks.




    However, it is always best to approach the consumption of alcohol with caution, especially if you are taking any medications. Alcohol can have various effects on the body and may interact with certain medications, potentially reducing their effectiveness or causing adverse effects.




    Serocit 46.7% Injection, when used as directed for its intended medical purposes, is not known to impair driving abilities. It is not a medication that directly affects cognitive function or motor skills, so it is unlikely to cause significant driving impairment.

    Side Effects of Serocit 46.7% InjectionSerocit 46.7% Injection causes some side effects like all medications, although not everyone will experience them. 


    • Allergic reactions (rash, itching, swelling, severe dizziness, difficulty breathing)
    • Electrolyte imbalances (unusual weakness, irregular heartbeat, muscle cramps, seizures)
    • Signs of infection at the injection site (if used intravenously)
    • Severe abdominal pain or discomfort
    • Signs of dehydration (excessive thirst, dry mouth, decreased urine output)


    • Nausea
    • Vomiting
    • Diarrhea
    • Abdominal discomfort
    • Bloating
    • Excess gas (flatulence)

    Word of AdviceAdvice regarding Serocit 46.7% Injection is to consult with a healthcare professional before starting or making any changes to your medication regimen. They can assess your medical history, evaluate potential risks and benefits, provide personalized guidance, and monitor your progress throughout treatment. Additionally, closely follow your healthcare provider's instructions and recommendations, promptly report any unusual or concerning symptoms, and communicate openly about any concerns or questions you may have. Precautions should be taken when using this medication in patients with liver or kidney impairment, as dosage adjustments or special monitoring may be required. Pregnant and breastfeeding individuals should consult with healthcare professionals before using this medication. Your healthcare professional is the best resource for ensuring safe and effective medication use. Special cautions are required in pediatrics and geriatrics.

    FAQs Q 1. What should I do if I experience severe or persistent side effects while using Serocit 46.7% Injection?

    If you experience severe or persistent side effects while using Serocit 46.7% Injection, contact your healthcare provider promptly. They can assess your situation, provide appropriate guidance, or discontinue the medication if necessary.

    Q 2. How should Serocit 46.7% Injection be stored?

    Solid forms of Serocit 46.7% Injection (powder or crystals) should be stored in a cool, dry place between 15°C to 30°C (59°F to 86°F). Liquid forms (solutions or syrups) should be stored between 2°C to 8°C (36°F to 46°F).

    Q 3. Can Serocit 46.7% Injection be used in children?

    Serocit 46.7% Injection can be used in children, but special care and appropriate dosage adjustments may be required. Pediatric use should be under the guidance and supervision of a healthcare professional.

    Q 4. Is it safe to use Serocit 46.7% Injection in older people?

    Serocit 46.7% Injection can be used in older people. Still, dosage adjustments and careful monitoring may be necessary, as elderly individuals may be more susceptible to certain side effects or have underlying medical conditions that require consideration.

    Q 5. Can Serocit 46.7% Injection be used for conditions other than metabolic acidosis and as an anticoagulant?

    While metabolic acidosis and anticoagulation are the primary medical uses for Serocit 46.7% Injection, there may be other off-label uses determined by a healthcare professional for specific cases.

    Fact Box of Serocit 46.7% Injection

    Molecule name: Sodium Citrate

    Therapeutic class: Electrolyte and Blood Volume Replacement Agents

    Pharmacological class: Alkalinizing Agents



    1. Metabolic acidosis

    2. Anticoagulant for medical procedures

    Основные характеристики
    Origin of Medicine
    Price for
    1 Vial(s) Of 5ml
    Salt Composition
    Sodium Citrate
    0/ 5
    average product rating
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