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Telma NB Tablet

Product Code: MRM_92386
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10 Tablet(s) In A Strip
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Telma NB Tablet belongs to the group of medications called antihypertensives. It contains a combination of two medications: Telmisartan and Nebivolol, which controls blood pressure when a single medication is ineffective. It is primarly used for the treatment of hypertension. Hypertension (high blood pressure) is a medical condition in which blood exerts a force on the artery walls (blood vessels), resulting in heart disease, irregular heartbeat, and other problems.

Before starting treatment, inform your doctor if you have allergies to Telmisartan or Nebivolol, a history of heart disease, diabetes, low blood pressure, Raynaud's disease, or Prinzmetal angina. Before treatment with Telma NB Tablet, let your physician know if you are experiencing any allergic reaction to Telmisartan or Nebivolol and its ingredients. Report to your physician if you have kidney or severe liver diseases, heart rhythm problems, low blood pressure, elevated potassium level in the blood, raised aldosterone level, diabetes, asthma, and renal artery stenosis (narrowing of the blood vessels to one or both kidneys). Hence, your doctor may regularly monitor your blood pressure, electrolytes, and potassium level in your blood at regular intervals. It should not be given to children less than 12 years of age. 

Uses of Telma Nb Tablet
  • Treats hypertension (high blood pressure).
  • Therapeutic Effects of Telma Nb Tablet

    Telmisartan works by preventing the action of certain substances that tighten blood vessels (arteries). It improves blood flow and increases the heart's ability to pump blood effectively throughout the body. Nebivolol improves blood circulation and lowers blood pressure by relaxing blood pressure and lowering heart rate. Together, they treat people with hypertension who cannot be managed with a single medication.

    Interaction of Telma Nb Tablet with other drugsInform your doctor about any prescribed medications, over-the-counter medicines, nutritional or vitamin supplements, and herbal products you take or have taken before the treatment. Certain medications may interact with Telma NB Tablet and cause undesirable side effects. 

    More Information about Telma Nb Tablet
  • Store below 30°C.
  • Protect from light and moisture.
  • Keep Telma NB Tablet out of reach of children.
  • How to consume Telma Nb TabletTelma NB Tablet can be taken with food or without food. It should be swallowed whole with a glass of water. Do not chew, crush, or break it. Take this medication at the same time every day. 

    Safety Advices for Telma Nb Tablet




    Telma NB Tablet is unsafe to use during pregnancy as it may cause harmful effects on the developing fetus.


    Breast Feeding


    Telma NB Tablet is unsafe to use during breastfeeding as this medication tends to pass into the breast milk.




    It is unknown whether Telma NB tablet is safe to be administered in patients with lung diseases. Inform your physician if you have any lung diseases before initiating the therapy. 




    Telma NB Tablet should be used cautiously in patients with severe liver disease. Consult your doctor for advice.




    Avoid consuming alcohol while taking Telma NB Tablet, as it can decrease blood pressure and increase unpleasant side effects.




    Do not drive or operate machinery because Telma NB Tablet can cause dizziness or tiredness. 

    Side Effects of Telma Nb TabletSide effects are unwanted symptoms caused by medicines. Even though all medications cause side effects, not everyone gets them.


    • Angioedema (swelling of skin).
    • Allergic reaction, with a skin eruption.


    • Headache
    • Dizziness, tiredness
    • Slow heartbeat
    • Weakness
    • Increased potassium level in the blood
    • Decreased blood pressure
    • Cold extremities
    • An unusual itching or tingling feeling
    • Diarrhea, constipation
    • Nausea
    • Shortness of breath
    • Swollen hands or feet
    • Stomach upset
    • Nightmares
    • Forgetfulness
    • Difficulty falling asleep

    Word of Advicehave potassium and electrolytes check-ups while taking Telma NB Tablet to prevent complications. Get up slowly while rising from a lying or sitting position, as this medicine  may cause dizziness. Taking a low-salt diet and regular exercise is recommended for better results. Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption while taking this medication. 

    FAQs Q 1. What class of medication is Telma NB Tablet?

    Telma NB Tablet belongs to an antihypertensive medication class.

    Q 2. Is children use Telma NB Tablet?

    No, Telma NB Tablet is not recommended for children less than 12 years of age.

    Q 3. How do I store Telma NB Tablet?

    Telma NB Tablet is stored below 30°C and protects them from light and moisture. Keep this medication out of sight and reach of children.

    Q 4. What happens when I stop taking Telma NB Tablet?

    Sudden withdrawal of Telma NB Tablet may raise your blood pressure and increase the risk of heart failure. Hence, it is necessary to consult your doctor before withdrawing this medication.

    Q 5. What happens if I take too much Telma NB Tablet?

    If you take more Telma NB Tablet, that may cause slow heartbeat (bradycardia), low blood pressure with fainting (hypotension), breathlessness such as in asthma (bronchospasm), and acute heart failure.

    Q 6. Is Telma NB Tablet safe during pregnancy?

    No, Telma NB Tablet should not be used during pregnancy because it may cause harmful effects on the developing fetus.

    Q 7. Can Telma NB Tablet cause shortness of breath?

    Yes, Telma NB Tablet can cause shortness of breath in some people. You must inform your physician if these symptoms disturb or worsen you.

    Fact Box of Telma Nb Tablet
    Molecule Name: Telma NB Tablet Therapeutic class: Antihypertensive drugs
    Pharmacological class: Angiotensin II receptor blocker+ beta-blockerIndications: Treats hypertension   

    Основные характеристики
    Origin of Medicine
    Price for
    10 Tablet(s) In A Strip
    Salt Composition
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