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Leubine Cream 30gm

Product Code: MRM_202599
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Origin of Medicine
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1 Tube Of 30gm
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Leubine cream 30gm contains an active component of luliconazole. It belongs to the class of drugs known as azole antifungals. It is an antifungal medication used to treat various fungal infections of the skin, including athlete's foot (tinea pedis), jock itch (tinea cruris), and ringworm (tinea corporis). Athlete's foot is a common fungal infection that affects the feet, particularly the spaces between the toes, which can cause itching, redness, cracking, and peeling of the skin. Jock itch is a fungal infection that affects the groin and inner thighs. Ringworm: Despite its name, ringworm is not caused by a worm. A fungal infection can affect various body parts, causing circular or ring-shaped rashes with raised edges and a clear center.

If you have a history of hypersensitivity to the drug or any other ingredients in its products, you should avoid using them. Leubine cream 30gm should not be applied to open wounds, cuts, or areas of broken skin. It should not be applied to the eyes, mouth, or other mucous membranes. Individuals with compromised immune systems, such as HIV/AIDS or undergoing immunosuppressive therapy, may be at an increased risk of fungal infections. Leubine cream 30gm's use in these situations requires careful monitoring by a healthcare provider.  It may not be approved for use in children under a certain age or weight.  Always follow a healthcare provider's guidance when considering using leubine Cream 30gm for children.  Before using this medication in older age, it is important to consult a healthcare provider.

Uses of Leubine Cream 30gm
  • Athlete's foot
  • Jock itch
  • Ringworm infections
  • Therapeutic Effects of Leubine Cream 30gm

    Leubine cream 30gm works by inhibiting the synthesis of ergosterol, an essential component of the fungal cell membrane. This disruption weakens the cell membrane, leading to the death of the fungus and ultimately resolving the infection.

    Interaction of Leubine Cream 30gm with other drugsInform the doctor about your medicines, including prescription, over-the-counter, nutritional or vitamin supplements, and herbal products. Certain medications may interact with leubine cream 30gm, reducing effectiveness by causing undesirable side effects.

    More Information about Leubine Cream 30gm
  • Store leubine cream 30gm room temperature, between up to 20°C -25°C
  • Keep away from moisture, heat, and light.
  • It should not be frozen.
  • Keep away from children and pets.
  • How to consume Leubine Cream 30gmLeubine cream 30gm is typically available as a topical cream or solution that is applied directly to the affected skin area. The exact dosage and treatment duration will depend on the specific infection being treated and the instructions provided by a healthcare professional.

    Safety Advices for Leubine Cream 30gm




    Leubine cream 30gm's safety during pregnancy has not been well established. Consult your healthcare provider before using it if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant.


    Breast Feeding


    It is unclear whether leubine cream 30gm passes into breast milk. Consult your healthcare provider before using it if you are breastfeeding.




    Consult your healthcare provider if you have a history of lung conditions before using leubine cream 30gm.




    Patients with liver dysfunction should consult a healthcare provider before taking leubine cream 30gm.




    Excessive alcohol consumption can weaken the immune system and potentially worsen fungal infections. It is advised to avoid leubine cream 30gm with alcohol.




    If you experience any adverse effects that affect your motor ability, consult your doctor regarding it.

    Side Effects of Leubine Cream 30gmLeubine cream 30gm causes some side effects like all medications, although not everyone will experience them. 


    • Severe skin irritation or allergic reaction
    • Worsening skin infection


    • Mild skin irritation
    • Dry skin
    • Peeling or flaking skin

    Word of AdviceAvoid applying the medication to open wounds, broken skin, or sensitive areas like the eyes and mucous membranes. Pregnant or breastfeeding individuals should consult a healthcare provider before using leubine cream 30gm. Use caution with sensitive or fragile skin, especially in children and the elderly, and perform a patch test if needed. Inform your healthcare provider about your medical history, existing skin conditions, and any other medications you are taking. Avoid sharing your medication and wear loose clothing to prevent rubbing against treated areas. Apply sun protection if necessary and complete the full treatment course even if symptoms improve. If you experience severe skin reactions or adverse effects, discontinue use and seek medical advice. Regularly follow up with your healthcare provider to ensure proper treatment progress and address concerns.

    FAQs Q 1. Can I use makeup or cosmetics while using leubine cream 30gm?

    It's generally recommended to avoid applying makeup or cosmetics to the treated area while using leubine cream 30gm. These products could interfere with the effectiveness of the medication.

    Q 2. Can I go out in the sun while using leubine cream 30gm?

    Exposure to sunlight or UV rays can increase skin sensitivity. Consider using sun protection measures like clothing or sunscreen on treated areas if you need to go out in the sun.

    Q 3. How do I know if the leubine cream 30gm is working?

    Improvement in symptoms, such as reduced itching, redness, and scaling, is a positive sign that the medication works. However, continue using it as prescribed until the treatment course is complete.

    Q 4. What should I do if I miss an application of leubine cream 30gm?

    If you miss an application, apply it as soon as you remember. However, if it's close to the time for the next application, skip the missed one and resume your regular schedule.

    Q 5. Can I stop using leubine cream 30gm once my symptoms disappear?

    Continue using leubine cream 30gm for the full recommended treatment duration, even if your symptoms improve. This helps ensure complete eradication of the fungal infection.

    Q 6. Will the side effects of leubine cream 30gm go away on their own?

    Mild side effects like skin irritation or dryness typically improve as your skin adjusts to the medication. However, if side effects persist or worsen, consult your healthcare provider.

    Fact Box of Leubine Cream 30gm

    Molecule name:  Luliconazole

    Therapeutic class: Antifungal agents

    Pharmacological class: Azole antifungals


    1. Athlete's foot 

    2. Jock itch

    3. Ringworm infections

    Основные характеристики
    Origin of Medicine
    Price for
    1 Tube Of 30gm
    Salt Composition
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