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FE 10 Injection

Product Code: MRM_100663
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Origin of Medicine
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1 Ampoule(s) Of 5ml
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FE 10 Injection contains active components such as iron. It is an essential mineral for the body and is often prescribed as a medication to treat iron deficiency anemia or other conditions where there is a deficiency of this in the body. Pregnant women often require it to support the increased blood volume and the development of the fetus. Its use during pregnancy is commonly recommended to prevent iron deficiency anemia. Some chronic medical conditions, such as chronic kidney disease, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), or certain types of cancer, can lead to its deficiency. In these cases, it may be part of the treatment plan to address the deficiency. Conditions like celiac disease, Crohn's disease, or gastric bypass surgery can interfere with the absorption of this medication in the digestive tract. It may be prescribed to compensate for this reduced absorption. Women with heavy menstrual bleeding may lose much of this over time. It can help maintain its adequate levels in such cases.

Individuals who follow strict vegetarian or vegan diets may have a higher risk of its deficiency, as the type of it found in plant-based foods is less readily absorbed than from animal sources. Some endurance athletes, especially female athletes, may experience its deficiency due to increased loss through sweat and gastrointestinal bleeding during intense training. FE 10 Injection may be considered in these cases.

It should be avoided if you have a known allergy to it or any of its components. Individuals with hemochromatosis, a genetic disorder that causes excess absorption and storage in the body, should avoid it. Individuals with hemosiderosis should not take this medication. It is sometimes recommended for infants and young children who are not getting enough of this mineral from breast milk or formula or who have an increased need for it  due to rapid growth. It can be used in old age, but it should be used with caution and under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

Uses of Fe 10 InjectionFE 10 Injection is used in the following:

  1. Treatment of iron-deficiency anemia
  2. Treatment of menstrual bleeding
  3. Correction of nutritional deficiencies
  4. Supplementation in poor iron absorption

Therapeutic Effects of Fe 10 Injection

FE 10 Injection supplements primarily work by replenishing the body's iron stores to combat iron deficiency. When an individual takes an iron supplement, the iron is absorbed in the small intestine and becomes available for various vital functions. 

Interaction of Fe 10 Injection with other drugsInform the doctor about your medicines, including prescription, over-the-counter, nutritional or vitamin supplements, and herbal products. Certain medications may interact with  FE 10 Injection, reducing effectiveness by causing undesirable side effects. 

More Information about Fe 10 Injection
  • Stored at room temperature from 20°C to 25°C
  • Keep away from moisture, heat, and light.
  • It should not be frozen.
  • Keep away from children and pets.
  • How to consume Fe 10 InjectionFE 10 Injection can be administered via injection by healthcare providers in a healthcare setting. The dose depends on the severity of the iron deficiency, the underlying condition, and the patient's ability to tolerate and absorb iron supplements. 

    Safety Advices for Fe 10 Injection




    FE 10 Injection is often recommended during pregnancy to prevent or treat iron-deficiency anemia. However, it's important to consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice on the appropriate dosage and timing.


    Breast Feeding


    FE 10 Injection supplements are generally safe for breastfeeding mothers, and they can help maintain iron levels. Ensure you follow your healthcare provider's recommendations regarding dosage and timing.




    FE 10 Injection supplements are generally unrelated to lung health. However, if you have a specific lung condition or are concerned about any interactions with medications you're taking for lung issues, discuss them with your healthcare provider.




    If you have liver issues, consult with your healthcare provider before taking FE 10 Injection supplements, as they may need to monitor your liver function and adjust the dosage accordingly.




    It's generally safe to consume moderate amounts of alcohol while taking FE 10 Injection supplements. However, excessive alcohol intake can interfere with iron absorption and may worsen iron deficiency. It is advised to consult a healthcare provider.




    FE 10 Injection supplements are unlikely to impair your ability to drive or operate machinery when taken as directed. However, if you experience side effects like dizziness or nausea, it's best to avoid driving until you feel well and consult a healthcare provider.

    Side Effects of Fe 10 InjectionFE 10 Injection causes side effects like all medications, although not everyone will experience them. 


    • Allergic reactions
    • Severe nausea or vomiting
    • Severe constipation or bowel obstruction
    • Iron overload (hemochromatosis)
    • Hypotension (low blood pressure)
    • Liver or kidney problems
    • Systemic reactions


    • Gastrointestinal distress
    • Dark stools
    • Heartburn
    • Bad taste
    • Stomach cramps
    • Constipation

    Word of AdviceConsult a healthcare provider to determine if FE 10 Injection is necessary and to receive personalized guidance regarding dosage and duration. Adhere to the prescribed dosage without self-adjustment, and consider taking it with food to minimize gastrointestinal discomfort. Be aware of foods and substances that can hinder its absorption, such as calcium-rich foods and caffeine, and instead, pair its intake with sources of vitamin C to enhance absorption. If you are on other medications, discuss the timing of this medication with your healthcare provider to prevent potential interactions. Ensure you stay well-hydrated to reduce the risk of constipation. Keep it  out of reach of children to prevent accidental ingestion. Report any side effects to your healthcare provider promptly. If long-term supplementation is required, be open to monitoring your levels, especially if you have underlying medical conditions. Finally, expect regular blood tests to track your progress accurately if you're treating anemia or iron deficiency. Always remember that it should be used under professional guidance, as improper use or self-medication can pose risks and may not effectively address underlying health issues.

    FAQs Q 1. Are there dietary alternatives to FE 10 Injection?

    Increasing dietary intake of iron-rich foods, such as lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, lentils, and fortified cereals, can help prevent or manage iron deficiency. However, FE 10 Injection may be necessary if dietary changes are insufficient.

    Q 2. Can I donate blood while taking FE 10 Injection?

    Some blood donation centers may allow individuals taking FE 10 Injection supplements to donate blood, but policies vary. Check with your local blood donation center for specific guidelines.

    Q 3. Is it possible to get too much iron from my diet alone?

    It is generally unlikely to get excessive iron from a regular diet unless you consume large quantities of iron-rich foods or have a genetic predisposition for iron overload. Iron supplements are a more common source of excess iron.

    Q 4. Can FE 10 Injection cause weight gain?

    FE 10 Injection themselves are not directly responsible for weight gain. However, if iron deficiency is causing weight loss or poor appetite, addressing the deficiency with supplements may result in weight stabilization or gain as your overall health improves.

    Q 5. Can FE 10 Injection help with hair loss?

    iron deficiency can contribute to hair loss in some cases. If hair loss is suspected to be related to iron deficiency, addressing the deficiency with supplements, if necessary, may help improve hair health.

    Q 6. How long do side effects typically last when taking FE 10 Injection?

    Side effects are often temporary and may improve as your body adjusts to the supplement. If side effects persist or worsen over time, consult your healthcare provider.

    Fact Box of Fe 10 Injection

    Molecule name:   Iron

    Therapeutic class: Hematopoietic Agents

    Pharmacological class: Mineral Supplements


    1. Treatment of Iron-deficiency anemia
    2. Treatment of menstrual bleeding
    3. Correction of nutritional deficiencies
    4. Supplementation in poor iron absorption

    Основные характеристики
    Origin of Medicine
    Price for
    1 Ampoule(s) Of 5ml
    Salt Composition
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