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₹2 004

Sosrane Inhaler

Product Code: MRM_101466
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₹2 004
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Price for
1 Bottle Of 250ml
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Sosrane Inhaler contains active components such as Isoflurane. It is a volatile inhalation anesthetic drug used in the field of anesthesia and surgery. It belongs to a class of compounds known as halogenated ethers, which are characterized by their ability to induce and maintain general anesthesia.  In some cases, emergency surgeries, such as trauma cases or surgeries to address life-threatening conditions, may require the rapid induction of anesthesia with it. It can be used for certain diagnostic and therapeutic procedures that require general anesthesia. While it is less commonly used during childbirth due to concerns about uterine relaxation, it may be used in some situations during cesarean sections when other anesthetics are not suitable. Before using it, a thorough assessment of the patient's health and individualized anesthesia plan is typically established to ensure safety and effectiveness during the procedure. 

Patients with a known allergy or hypersensitivity to Isoflurane or other halogenated ethers should not receive it. The liver metabolizes it to a small extent, so patients with severe liver dysfunction should not take this medication. Patients with a personal or family history of malignant hyperthermia should also avoid it. Patients with severe respiratory disorders, such as advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), may require careful consideration of its risks and benefits. Patients with unstable cardiovascular conditions, such as uncontrolled hypertension or severe arrhythmias, may require careful monitoring. It can be used in older adults when appropriate precautions are taken. Isoflurane is suitable for pediatric patients undergoing surgery, as it can be titrated to provide the appropriate level of anesthesia for children.

Uses of Sosrane InhalerSosrane Inhaler is used in the following:

  • General anesthesia
  • Surgical procedures
  • Emergency surgery
  • Diagnostic and therapeutic procedures
  • Pediatric surgery
  • Veterinary medicine

Therapeutic Effects of Sosrane Inhaler

Sosrane Inhaler induces and maintains general anesthesia by altering the activity of neurotransmitters in the central nervous system. It enhances the inhibitory neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which reduces the transmission of signals between nerve cells. This leads to a reversible loss of consciousness, amnesia, analgesia (pain relief), and muscle relaxation, ensuring that patients remain immobile and pain-free during surgical procedures. 

Interaction of Sosrane Inhaler with other drugsInform the doctor about your medicines, including prescription, over-the-counter, nutritional or vitamin supplements, and herbal products. Certain medications may interact with Sosrane Inhaler, reducing effectiveness by causing undesirable side effects. 

More Information about Sosrane Inhaler
  • Stored at room temperature from 20°C to 25°C.
  • Keep away from moisture, heat, and light.
  • It should not be frozen.
  • Keep away from children and pets.
  • How to consume Sosrane InhalerSosrane Inhaler is typically administered through inhalation, specifically by using a specialized anesthesia delivery system. It is inhaled as a vapor to induce and maintain general anesthesia during medical and surgical procedures. 

    Safety Advices for Sosrane Inhaler




    Sosrane Inhaler is unsafe during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester, due to concerns about potential effects on the developing fetus. 


    Breast Feeding


    If you need to take Isoflurane while breastfeeding, it's crucial to discuss the risks and benefits with your healthcare provider. 




    Sosrane Inhaler is generally not associated with adverse effects on lung health. However, consult your healthcare provider if you have specific concerns or lung conditions.




    Sosrane Inhaler is metabolized in the liver, so it should be used cautiously in patients with significant liver impairment. Discuss your liver condition with your healthcare provider before taking it.




     It is generally not safe to take alcohol before surgery or any medical procedure involving Isoflurane.




    Driving is unsafe immediately after receiving Sosrane Inhaler. The effects of this medication can impair your cognitive and motor functions, making it unsafe to operate a vehicle. 

    Side Effects of Sosrane InhalerSosrane Inhaler causes side effects like all medications, although not everyone will experience them. 


    • Respiratory depression
    • Cardiovascular effects
    • Malignant hyperthermia
    • Allergic reactions
    • Liver and kidney function changes
    • Neurological effects


    • Nausea and vomiting
    • Headache
    • Sore throat and cough
    • Shivering
    • Confusion or memory changes

    Word of AdviceBefore taking Sosrane Inhaler, a thorough patient assessment is conducted, including medical history, allergies, and preexisting conditions. Continuous monitoring of vital signs, ventilation, and anesthetic depth is maintained throughout the procedure to promptly detect and address any changes in the patient's condition.

    Attention is given to proper patient positioning to prevent pressure ulcers and nerve damage. Infection control measures are rigorously observed to minimize the risk of surgical site infections. Adequate fluid management and intravenous support are administered to maintain hydration and circulation.

    FAQs Q 1. How do healthcare providers determine the appropriate dosage of Sosrane Inhaler for anesthesia?

    The dosage of Sosrane Inhaler is carefully titrated based on the patient's age, weight, medical condition, and the type of surgery. Providers continuously adjust the concentration to maintain the desired level of anesthesia.

    Q 2. How does Sosrane Inhaler affect heart rate and blood pressure during surgery?

    Sosrane Inhaler can impact heart rate and blood pressure. It may cause hypotension (low blood pressure) or arrhythmias (irregular heart rhythms). Healthcare providers closely monitor these parameters and intervene as needed.

    Q 3. What is the typical recovery process following surgery with Sosrane Inhaler, and are there any potential postoperative effects?

    The recovery period varies from person to person, but patients usually regain consciousness shortly after the procedure. Some individuals may experience mild postoperative effects, such as nausea, shivering, or confusion, typically transient and managed by healthcare providers.

    Q 4. What are the fasting guidelines before undergoing a procedure with Sosrane Inhaler?

    Fasting guidelines typically recommend no food for several hours before surgery and clear liquids up to a specified time before the procedure. Following these guidelines is crucial to reduce the risk of aspiration during anaesthesia.

    Q 5. Can the use of Sosrane Inhaler During surgery have any long-term effects on my health or cognitive function?

    While Sosrane Inhaler is generally considered safe, some individuals may experience temporary postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD), which involves short-term memory and cognitive impairment. The exact cause of POCD is not well understood.

    Q 6. What are the potential serious side effects or complications that can occur with Sosrane inhalers ?

    Serious side effects can include respiratory depression, cardiovascular effects, malignant hyperthermia, allergic reactions, and neurological effects. These are closely monitored and managed by healthcare providers.

    Fact Box of Sosrane Inhaler

    Molecule name:   Isoflurane

    Therapeutic class: General inhalation anesthetic

    Pharmacological class:  Halogenated volatile anesthetic


    1. General anesthesia

    2. Surgical procedures

    3.Emergency surgery

    4. Diagnostic and therapeutic procedures

    5. Pediatric surgery

    6. Veterinary medicine

    Основные характеристики
    Origin of Medicine
    Price for
    1 Bottle Of 250ml
    Salt Composition
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